Our Haka

Our Haka
Ko te aitanga o…
Raukura i te rangi e. I A HAHA!
Ka tu te ihi, ka tu te wana
Ka whao te puha o taku tupuna
Ki roto i ahau, e tu ake nei. I A HAHA!
My strong attachment to Raukura,
Moves me beyond the skies.
My fierce inner power soars as I feel the presence of my ancestors.
A creed for Rotorua Boys’ High School
The universal identifier of Rotorua Boys’ High School and its students
Our identity, our sense of belonging
The challenge laid before each student to aim for success, the source of pride and
inspiration for all
Our destiny
The foundation and footprint of this school
It establishes a set of values we believe in and aspire to
It commands the standards and expectations of what is required to succeed
E ai ra te titiro
Ki nga marae tapu
E takoto nei. I A HAHA!
Ka tu mai te toa
Ka hupeke ki runga
Ki te whenua e. I A HAHA!
Whiua ki runga
Whiua ki raro
I remember the many sacred Marae that we are all part of
And the warrior in me is aroused
I stamp my mark upon this ground
Cast it to Rangi
Cast it to Papatuanuku.
An opportunity to succeed through pure determination, dedication and discipline
The code of conduct that should be adhered to in the academic arena, on the sports
field and in the cultural domain.
The benchmark we aspire to
The platform we launch our dreams from
The mana and prestige of oneself, whanau and school
Attaining our ultimate goals
Our being
Our statement to the community, country and world
Endorsed and emulated in one Maoridom’s greatest proverbs
by Sir Apirana Ngata
E tipu e rea, mo nga ra o tou ao
Ko tou ringa ki nga rakau a te Pakeha
Hei oranga mo tou tinana
Ko tou ngakau ki nga taonga a o Tipuna Maori
Hei tikitiki mo tou mahunga
Ko to Wairua ki te Atua
Nana nei nga mea katoa
Grow up and thrive for the days destined to you,
Your hands mastering the arts of the European to provide physical sustenance,
Your heart to the treasures of your Maori ancestors as a plume for your brow
Your soul to your God Almighty,
To whom all things belong
Te tara o taku wahanga ka horahia
Whao whao mai ana te ure, mimiti ana
Ki taku pa whakairo e tu ake nei. I A HAHA!
Mau ana te wehi e.
And the young man in me strives to the very end to leave an impression.
Ko wai te kura?