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Frobisher House Report
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Tīhei Mauriora
For all of my schooling years at Raukura, I had never seen the bright yellow Frobisher House flag flying on top of the gym. Although we have been closer throughout the years, we have never been able to reach that top spot. When Mr Te Huia asked If I would be interested in the role of House Captain, I jumped at the opportunity. Once I was given the mana of House Captain, it was immediately my goal to change things up.
My main goal for this year was to win the House Competition by putting an emphasis on participation. I wanted every boy available to come and sing his heart out at Choral Competition. I wanted to see every boy pukana at the Haka Competition. If you are good at basketball, play basketball. If you like soccer, play soccer. That is the reason Frobisher has its best year in over five years.
For the first time in at least five years Frobisher is no longer the laughing stock of the school and by Term 3 we had won the Haka Competition, the Senior Basketball, Senior Table Tennis and Junior Table Tennis. The mighty yellow flag was flying high above the gym and with 4 weeks left of Term 4 and only Senior and Junior Touch left, I think Frobisher has a realistic chance of winning.
I believe that Frobisher is so close to winning because of the emphasis we put on participation. It has been an extremely humbling experience to be able to lead Frobisher House. I was able to expand my leadership skills and hopefully I was a strong role model. I would like to thank my Year 13 Leadership Group, Tawhao, Sebastian, Logan and many more who helped me throughout the year. Along with Matua Jamus who would always be helping with Haka and Choral. Lastly, Mr Te Huia, who trusted in me and my leadership style. He supported and backed me 100% of the time and always encouraged the boys to do their best.
We’re not here to take part. We’re here to take over.
- Conor McGregor
* Frobisher was the 2020 winner of the David McGgegor cup.
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