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2020 Prefect Reports
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by Sameed Khan
The decisions you make now shape the path you take in your future. I chose to make the most of my time here at Raukura and in return, I gained achievements, friendships and a direction in my life. Raukura has helped me overcome many of the challenges I faced in my path, and now in my final year as a Prefect, I can say that what I gained is undeniably life-changing for me.
And it extends to more than just what I have done. Many of the students within our school have achieved such wonderful feats that are worthy of praise. Within our Year 13 group, many of us have received scholarships and have been given opportunities to extend our learning due to major performances in our respective fields. Undeniably, it is evident that Raukura has supported its young men on their journey and the acknowledgement received is the culmination of hard work and the unshakeable support of all staff and peers. In Raukura, every student has the opportunity to achieve.
Look up and find your place in the stars, then look down and build yourself up.

by Keden Wichman
From my first day of Raukura in 2016, the standard was set. A standard set by the school but upheld by myself and my peers. A standard that has seen the 2020 Year 13 Cohort accomplish record-breaking statistics. This standard of achievement is fuelled by the many opportunities that Raukura provides and our boys have definitely taken these opportunities in with open arms. In doing so, our Year 13 team has not only achieved great success for themselves but ensured great success for the future.
As a group of high-achieving students, we have set the standard for those who follow us and for this I wish to give thanks to my Year. Thank you for working hard on tough days. Thank you for putting in late hours to get those last minute assessments in. Thank you for not settling for Achieved and pushing yourselves. Most of all, thank you for making my time here at Raukura memorable.
As a young man coming into Raukura you will be faced with many challenges. How you choose to tackle these challenges is of most importance. Think of this as an opportunity to mirror what life will be like when school is finished because sadly for us our time here at Raukura has come to an end. The skills we have learnt throughout school have prepared us for the future and I hope when your time comes, that you are well prepared too. Keep striving for greatness in your Academics because these acts of determination and perseverance build character. This character is needed for that one day when you are Year 13 and it is your time to set the standard.

by Connor Franklin
Kia Ora my name is Connor Franklin and I was the Year 9 Captain for 2020. This has been a great year for the Year 9 students in all areas of their schooling. This Cohort will go on to much success in the future. I had the opportunity to get to know some of the Year 9 boys quite well through multiple school events such as Production, Open Days and other activities. It has been an honour to be a part of this Prefect team and the experiences I have had will be with me for a long time.
I encourage all Year 9 students to push themselves to be the best versions of themselves and aim for a leadership role in their Senior years of school. Raukura has a wide range of tools and opportunities for everyone to show their strengths. I will continue to follow the Year 9 students and see how they grow into great members of Raukura over the coming years.
Thank you to Mr Grinter providing me with experiences that I have learnt from and I look forward to what the future holds. Ko wai te kura Raukura. Boy’s High till we die.

by Haruto Takahashi
My name is Haruto Takahashi from Japan. I’m the International Captain at Rotorua Boys’ High School. I have been in Rotorua Boys’ High School for 4 years and I have felt privileged to become a School Prefect and part of the 1st XV. Becoming a School Prefect has given me an opportunity to give back to the school that has given a lot to me.
Living in Tai Mitchell Hostel gave me opportunities to help out International students especially the new ones. It is very hard to support students of different nations, but school provides us with a positive environment where all the International students including myself could feel comfortable and experience different cultures helping us to strive to succeed.
It has been an extremely successful year for International students in academic, sporting and community areas. I’m really proud of all the International students for what they have achieved this year and really appreciate the school and Hostel staff who have supported International students this year.

by Uale Lefaoseu
As a Prefect of Rotorua Boys High School, I believe it is important to support our younger brothers and help inspire them to be the best version they can be. This year, my goal was to encourage and build our Pasifika group and I believe that this year was a year where we really showed our worth. I have built many friendships and have gotten to know people who inspire me. Being a Prefect was difficult but I can say it has very much shaped the person I am today. I am grateful for the opportunity that was given to me and if there’s anything I want to take from this experience, it’s the fact that I couldn’t have done it alone and that the people who are around you can be a huge influence on your development. A huge shout out to my band T.T.R.U.
This year has been a troubling year for our Pasifika group mainly due to COVID. But with Super 8 still on, our Pasifika boys had hope for an event to participate in. Through all the practices and hard work, we unfortunately didn’t receive the results we were hoping for but the experience altogether with the boys was a reward for me. I am proud to have worked with all the Pasifika boys this year, I just hope their bond remains and I wish for the best in their futures.
This year has been difficult academically as work habits started to drop off due to many weeks held in lockdown. But with the help of our teachers in classes, we were able to pull through. I personally would like to acknowledge my teachers, Mrs Hulton, Mr Hay, Dr Ferguson, Mrs Baldwin and Mr Florence as they have been a huge support this year for me. And last of all I would like to give a huge thanks to our Principal Mr Grinter for the opportunity he bestowed upon me to be a leader. All the experiences this year have made for a successful last year for me in Rotorua Boys’ High School. Thank you.

by Kelvin Cunliffe
2020 what a year it has been. Unpredictable to say the least. However this did not stand in the way of our Raukura sportsmen. Throughout the uncertainty of Covid-19, our men did not give up and kept excelling through hard work and sacrifice put into training over a very wide range of different sporting codes. The year started off with a successful Athletics Day which saw a new format that increased participation by Senior School students. Special mention to our Prefect Group for driving this initiative and working closely with the Staff to make it happen.
Our Athletics team entered the Bay of Plenty Athletics Championships. This was new territory for some of our boys but they were able to come away with some amazing results. A standout of the meet was from Juandre Mare, who won the Junior Shot Put and placed 2nd in the Junior Discus. Our Golf Team competed at both the Super Eight Schools’ Tournament and the BOPSS Event. RBHS went to the Super Eight Tournament as reigning champions. However, a nervous start from our boys left them all playing catch-up throughout the final 2 rounds. After 3 rounds, our boys finished a creditable 2nd place in the Super 8 competition. Our Golf team also placed first in the BOPSS event.
The combined RBHS/RGHS Ki O Rahi team won the BOP Ki O Rahi championships for a second year running, making them eligible to qualify for Nationals. Unfortunately, these were cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The on-form Senior Futsal team showed their class in the BOP Futsal competition by beating the reigning BOP champions, Tauranga Boys’, in a thrilling match that ended 3-2. A long-term goal eventually achieved by the team. Unfortunately, the National Futsal competition was also cancelled. However, there is no doubt that Raukura’s Futsal programme will keep growing and excelling.
Over the lockdown period, a challenge was laid to our students to see who could come up with the best Sporting Trick Shot. A large number of our boys entered the competition with some awesome and creative entries, all hoping to come out on top and win some superb Kukri gear. Big shout-out to Kukri NZ, who supplied us with numerous prizes. At the end of the competition, Jared Hamilton came out on top for the Seniors and Francis Lockwood won the Junior competition. Lockdown no doubt brought many challenges for our men, but it certainly did not stop them from achieving great things.
The RBHS Volleyball team played their best in the Super 8 competition, showing huge potential for the years to come. Our incredible RBHS Basketball programme has had an outstanding year on the court, going from strength to strength with a huge number of talented and hardworking players. The naming of a star-studded Senior A team led by Aidan Tonge, who was named in the Junior Tall Blacks team, meant there were only great things to come from our Basketball boys. Our Senior A team took out the Super 8 competition with ease, coming out unbeaten and making history in gaining their first ever Super 8 Gold. Our 1st XV who in a wonderful effort secured the Moascar Cup in their match against Napier Boys’ High School in Napier. The team has since defended the cup against Palmerston North Boys’ High School and Hastings Boys’ High School in very tense and close encounters here at school. Our 1st XV team defeated New Plymouth Boys’ High School in the Semi Final, sending them to the prestigious Super 8 Final against Hamilton Boys. Our boys fought hard but were unable to beat the in-form Hamilton Boys’ side, placing Raukura 2nd.
Our talented and growing 1st XI Hockey team has had a rewarding season, taking part in the
Super 8 competition where they placed 7th. Huge congratulations to Reon Norton,
Awanuiarangi Gardiner and Jacob Rawles who won Gold at the National Secondary
Schools Weightlifting Championships.
Our speedy Touch team took out the Gold at the BOPSS competition, showing their form
early on in the year ready for the end of year Tournament that they look to place highly in. Congratulations to Carlos Hihi who was named in the New Zealand U16 Touch team.
After the devastating news of there being no Football Nationals, our hardworking 1st XI
Football team showed great resilience to keep striving for their best, and kept on their
game and prepared for the Super 8 competition. Day 1 of the Super 8 competition saw our
1st XI unluckily draw in the last minute with Hamilton Boys’, in an on edge 1-1 result. Gaining points
from all their games, apart from one, sent the 1st XI into the 5th/6th playoff, where they left the opposition with no ball possession, securing a win and 5th place.
Keep dreaming big, keep training hard and continue to bring honour to our school.

by Zach Cooper
Kia Ora my name is Zach Cooper and I am the Hostel Head Prefect for 2020
As the Year 2020 slowly comes to an end, I can now sit back and reflect on the journey we have had as the Tai Mitchell Hostel. The year 2020. For some it was their last year and for some it was their first year. However as we all know, this year didn’t go as planned. With COVID-19, we as a country were sent into lockdown. For the Hostel, this was 8 weeks away from our brothers. But as you know we have International Students who spent their lockdown with the familes of the Housemasters in the Hostel. However, COVID did not stop our Hostel from continuing to set the standard, co-curricular and academically. I have enjoyed every moment that I’ve had in the Tai Mitchell Hostel. Also, my brothers who have left the Hostel and those who are still here, you have shaped me into the man I am today, and for that I’m truly grateful.
“You can take the boy out of the Hostel, but you can’t take the Hostel out of the boy”.
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