At Rotorua Boys’ High School, we aim to provide a challenging, varied and dynamic learning environment that is authentic and responsive for all students.
Our paramount focus is ensuring that all students achieve their academic potential. We strive for excellence in academic pursuits.
“Overall student achievement in NCEA is well above the national comparisons and averages for similar schools”.
“The school effectively uses student achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement”.
- Education Review Office (ERO)
“A thorough approach to curriculum review effectively promotes and supports student learning. A diverse and contextualised curriculum is based on student needs and interests”.
- Education Review Office (ERO)
Rotorua Boys' High School recognises the importance of delivering a curriculum which is tailored to the needs of our community and our students. The school embraces the New Zealand Curriculum as a framework for developing meaningful and effective programmes of learning for our students. Our learning programmes are designed to encourage students to become self directed learners who take ownership for their own learning and feel encouraged to extend themselves.
The pathways provided for assessment and achievements through NCEA are the basis for curriculum structures in the senior school.
Rotorua Boys’ High School leverage device based learning to deliver our curriculum in a manner that will improve student engagement and encourage self-directed learning. Parents, families and whānau are able to form stronger connections with our school and their son’s learning. Rotorua Boys’ High School is committed to allowing responsible, learner-centred use of digital devices at our school.