Our School

A Message from the Principal
Tena koutou, nga matua, nga whanaunga, nga kaitautoko, me nga hoa o te kura.
We value the opportunity to play a part in the education of your son. We recognise the vital importance of education for young people if they are to meet successfully the challenges and demands of a rapidly changing world.
Schools in New Zealand are also having to meet many changes. We at Rotorua Boys’ High School are prepared for these changes, putting the best interests of our students first.
As the oldest secondary school serving Rotorua we believe that, despite these changes, there are certain constant values in education. These values have been with this school throughout its long history and will ensure that it goes on providing an excellent education for the young men of Rotorua. Furthermore, Rotorua Boys’ High School is part of the traditional and successful network of state boys’ high schools that has been long established throughout New Zealand. We believe that boys’ schools are the best for boys!
This school provides leadership in many aspects of education and enjoys national and international recognition for its academic excellence, for its sporting achievements and for the quality of its cultural endeavours. All students are provided with the opportunity to develop to their full potential and to strive for excellence. To this end your son will receive our every encouragement. We are proud of the achievements of the students of Rotorua Boys’ High School - both past and present.
The school is superbly equipped with modern facilities and set in an attractive environment of trees and impressive playing fields. We have a large and well qualified staff who are dedicated to the well being of all students.
Our shared vision is “to become the outstanding Boys’ High School in New Zealand.”
Thank you for considering Rotorua Boys’ High School. We look forward to your association with our fine school.
A.C. Grinter
Our Values
Pūmau - Be strong of character
Being strong of character means you show respect for both yourself and others, have personal integrity, take responsibility for the consequences of your actions and be a good citizen. Be a good man.
Whakātu ngārahutanga - Demonstrate leadership
Leadership can be taught and learned. You will have many opportunities to demonstrate leadership and be a good role model as well as encouraging appropriate behaviour in others. Be a good leader.
Ūpoko pakaru - Display commitment
Commitment means never giving up just because something is difficult. It encompasses a work ethic, time management and sacrifice in achieving your goals. Be a good worker.
Kapo huanga - Take opportunities
Taking opportunities is about embracing new challenges. You will be presented with a myriad of opportunities in your time at Rotorua Boys’ High School. Enjoy the challenge.
Hirangatanga - Strive for excellence
Striving for excellence means you will always do your best, learn from your mistakes and seek continual improvement. Reach for the stars.
Whakaute - Show respect
Show respect to family, school, friends, team mates and especially yourself.
Our Principles
Rotorua Boys’ High School provides an environment for boys to mature into outstanding young men to prepare them for the important future role they must play in the community.
Our Vision
To be the outstanding Boys’ High School in New Zealand
It has always been my understanding that “Raukura”, though literally referring to a feather or special plume, in fact conveyed a much more significant shade of meaning. In some measure those described as possessors or the “Raukura” were of particularly significant stature. They were considered to have justified such a privilege by reason of illustrious lineage, extremely noteworthy leadership or some remarkable achievement in another field - perhaps warfare, diplomacy or unparalleled knowledge. Being considered worthy of the “Raukura” would undoubtedly have been an accolade sought eagerly by aspiring tribal members in the past.
When ultimately bestowed (by general consensus) on a deserving individual, it clearly indicated a level of excellence of the greatest merit. Academic achievement has today, been recognised as the single most vital element in the advancement and wellbeing of us all. I can only presume that this was clearly apparent to those of the 1920’s, whose efforts resulted in the establishment of Rotorua High & Grammar School in 1927.
The remarkable and farsighted educational endowment made by the Ngati Whakaue people some 40 years even before that, is evidence enough of their support of and belief in education. I have no doubt that the use of “Raukura” was a subtle message of encouragement for all to take advantage of education, to seek excellence and thus justify the “Raukura”.
Dr Don Stafford
C.B.E. Hon.D. (Waikato), Hon. B.T.M. (Waiariki), Old Boy and Member of the Hall of Fame